How To Gain Maximum Strength

A lot of people are currently doing stupid amounts of reps. They set out wanting to make themselves strong, but are they really doing it right? A lot sadly are not. And this is a shame as it means that the time that they spend in the gym is partially wasted. If you want strength, focus on the load that you’re lifting!

A safe and reliable concept for this type of training is the 5×5 method. 5 repetitions for 5 sets, seems pretty simple, right?

It is a very handy method when teaching your body deal with the stresses it must overcome to develop strength in your muscles. It may not seem like you’re doing much in terms of reps, but it gives you the chance to load your weights right up. In fact, when performing the 5×5 concept, you should be struggling to complete the last rep or two of each set. Make sure you’re also giving yourself plenty of rest in between sets too. If you want to make another serious push for the next set, the muscles being worked will need time to gain their energy back. Generally you want to give yourself at least a minute in between each set.

So next time you are in the gym, or smashing a boot camp session, try giving your body a real test. Ramp up the weight, turn on your kick-ass power track, and lift like you’ve never lifter before!!!

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