Bye Bye RIM, it’s been a blast!

I never thought that once I finished my personal training education that I’d be working for such a fantastic company as Results In Motion. I thought I’d be working in some commercial gym, doing only PT sessions and maybe a few groups as time went on. But I’m glad the potential to work for RIM came my way.

Working with RIM has pushed me to step outside of my comfort zones and embrace not only outdoor training and high rep ranges, but also the different types of work including group presentations, posing for photo shoots, working with kids and even writing the e-newsletter each week. I came into my role as such a newbie who needed multiple kicks in the pants to boost my confidence, and now I feel like I could take on just about any role.

Plus the range of clientele I’ve had. I’ve trained children as young as 10 and adults enjoying retirement life. I’ve had a blast training the Huntingtower Senior Swim Squad for 1.5 years, running the Huntingtower VCE classes and getting to know each and every one of them. There’s been countless bootcamps and corporate clients, so many people and has been great to get to know everyone over the years.

Then of course there’s the General Manager Erin and the rest of the staff I’ve worked with and gotten to know over the years. You couldn’t ask for a better boss in this industry than Erin, and as many who work for her will know that she’s always there as support, to boost your confidence, push you to challenge yourself and of course make sure each of her staff are well trained up to provide the best training RIM has to offer. All my coworkers, past and present, have been fantastic and bring so much different knowledge and style to their sessions so I know they’ll keep training you all hard once I’ve finished.

You’re probably reading all this and wondering why would I leave? Partly because I live quite far out from where we run the business and the hours of driving a day has taken it’s toll. But mostly I want to pursue another passion that I was looking into the same time as doing my PT course – working in animal welfare. So I’ll be studying a course in animal studies through the RSPCA and on my way to a new and exciting time in my life where I can help other more fluffy beings!

And finally, thank you to all my clients (pt and group), that I’ve had the pleasure of training during my time at RIM. You’ve all made me laugh, forget counting reps and shared some great stories. It was fantastic to be partly responsible for when you reached your goals, even though you did all the hard work. And mostly as my clients will know, I’ll miss having a giggle when you’re suffering through the exercises (or stretches!) and getting angry at me.

That’s it from me! Keep on working your butts off, and don’t worry I’ll keep training too!

Thanks team,

One thought on “Bye Bye RIM, it’s been a blast!

  1. Gemma McCann Reply

    We’ll miss you Michelle!! You’ve done nothing but prove that I am able to do more than I thought I could which has made me a fitter and healthier person I am today. Thanks a lot

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