How to Set Realistic Goals

Goal setting – some people cringe at the thought, some jump up and down in excitement. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s paramount to you directing your training. No point training to run a marathon, if your goal is to bulk up. So the first step in setting any goal setting is deciding what you actually want. Whether it’s weight loss or muscle gain, most people will have a general sense of something they want to achieve. A good place to start is defining your terms – have a think about exactly what weight loss or muscle gain means to you.

What does losing weight or muscle gain look like? 

What would you need to do make these things happen? 

It is okay to be general at this stage. You might decide losing weight, for example, means fitting into your old clothes. Your general fitness goal might be to be active for at least 30 mins a day no matter what type of exercise. 

– Think about what you want to achieve.  You may have several goals at this stage, some long-term some short term. It’s a good idea to write them down.

–  Get specific. Before you can determine if a goal is realistic, you have to make that goal specific. This will provide greater clarity in terms of what you would actually have to do to achieve it. Specific goals are also more motivating and achievable than general ones. Your task at this stage is to take your general ideas and get as specific as you possibly can. 

– Do some research. Determining how challenging a goal is might require some research, if you aren’t already familiar with the process. The more you know about the process the better. Asking your PT will be the best way to go as they know what your limitations are with your injuries etc. They can guide you on your form and technique for exercises you may be required to do, your dietary requirements, what type of training will be the best suited for your goal etc.

– Determine the steps. To determine if a goal is realistic, you must know exactly how a goal would be achieved. In this step, you need to break your goal or goals into parts or steps. Breaking your goal down into sub goals will also help you make a plan for achieving it later on. It’s a good idea to write the steps down as you go. For example, imagine your goal is to get a six pack of abs. In general terms this goal breaks down into several steps. You’ll need to write up a program, then learn the exercises. You will have to learn proper technique of the exercises and if equipment is required you may need to book a PT session or attend the gym. You may have to have a strict diet plan to watch what you’re putting into your body. 

– Assess your commitment. Once you have an idea of what it will take to achieve your goal, you can determine whether you are committed enough follow through. You must be determined to put in the necessary time and effort to achieve your goals. Especially if your goal is difficult or a complicated one, you must be fully committed to it. You are less likely to achieve a goal that is only somewhat important to you. If you aren’t sure you are committed enough to follow through on your goal it probably isn’t realistic. This means you should either revise your goal or create a new one you are more committed to.

– Consider personal limitations. You’ve probably heard people say that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. In some cases, your personal limitations might make a goal unrealistic. So, you should consider whether the goals you’ve set are reasonable for you. Limitations could be physical so injuries and illnesses. In such cases, you may wish to reconsider one of your goals.  

–  Make a plan, set a timeline, get to work, track your progress! The steps in your plan should be defined specifically enough that it will be clear when you have achieved each one. Many people find having a specific timeline in their plan helps make their goal more achievable. It helps you track your progress and stay accountable. Once you’ve got a detailed plan, pick a date to begin and dive in! The only way to achieve your goal is to put in the necessary time and effort. Picking a date that’s at least a few days in the future can help your build anticipation and motivation as the date approaches. Once you get started, keep track of your progress. You can use a journal, an app, or a simple calendar. Tracking your progress helps keep you accountable to the deadlines you’ve set. It also helps you see the progress you’ve made as you move through the process. This can help you stay motivated to keep making progress.

So get excited and get motivated to set yourself some serious 2017 goals – decide what you want and go for it! Contact us today for help getting started

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