Lifting Weights Will Give You The Edge

#1 You’ll lose 40% more body fat: This might be the biggest secret in fat loss. While you’ve no doubt been told that your aerobic exercise is the key to losing your gut, weight training is actually far more valuable!
Case in point: Penn State University in the US, had researchers put overweight people on a reduced-calorie diet and divided them into 3 groups. One group didn’t do any exercise, another group performed aerobic exercise 3 days a week, and the third group did both aerobic and weight training 3 days a week. Each of the 3 groups lost nearly the same amount of weight of 10kgs. But the lifters lost about 3kgs more of fat than those that didn’t pump any iron!
Because the lifters weight loss was almost pure fat, whereas the other 2 groups lost just 6kgs of fat, along with around 4kgs of muscle. Do the math and you’ll see that the weight lifters lose about 40% more fat.
This isn’t a one time finding either. Research on non lifting dieters shows that, on average, 75% of their weight loss is from fat and 25% from muscle. That 25% may reduce the scale weight, but it doesn’t do a lot for your reflection in the mirror. It also makes you more likely to gain back the flab lost. However, if you weight train as you diet, you’ll protect your hard earned muscle and burn more fat instead.
Think of it like liposuction. The whole point is to simply remove unattractive flab right? That’s exactly what you should demand from your workout.


#2 You’ll Burn More Calories
Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while you’re sitting on the couch. One reason: your muscles need energy to repair and upgrade your muscle fibres after each resistance training workout. For instance, a university of Wisconsin study found that when people performed a total body workout comprised of just 3 big muscle exercises, their metabolisms were elevated for 39 hours afterward! The exercisers also burned a greater percentage of calories from fat during this time compared with those who didn’t lift.
But what about during your workout? After all, many experts say jogging burns more calories than weight training. Turns out when scientists at the university of Southern Maine used an advanced method to estimate energy expenditure, they found that lifting burns as many as 71 percent more calories than originally thought. The researchers calculated that performing just one circuit of eight exercises, which takes about 8 minutes, can expend about 159 to 231 calories. That’s about the same number burned by running at a 16km/h pace for the same duration!


#3 Your Clothes will fit Better
If you don’t lift weights you can say goodbye to your biceps, your nice bum, abs, pretty much anything that people generally work out to achieve in perfecting. Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you’re likely to lose 10 percent of the total muscle of your body. And that percentage will most likely double by the time you are 60!!!
Worst yet, it is likely that lost muscle is replaced by fat over time, according to a study in the American journal of Clinical Nutrition. The scientists found that even people who maintained their body weights for up to 38 years, lost 1.5kgs of muscle and added 1.5 kgs of fat every decade! Not only does that make you look flabby, it increases your waist size. That’s because just 1kg of fat takes up 18 percent more space on your body than 1kg of muscle. Thankfully, regular resistance training can prevent this fate!
#4 You’ll keep your body young
It’s not just the quantity of the muscle you lose that’s important, it’s the quality. Research shows that your fast twitch muscle fibres are reduced by up to 50 percent as you age, while slow twitch fibres decrease by less than 25 percent. That’s important because your fast twitch fibres are the muscle that is largely responsible for generating power, a combined measure of strength and speed. While this attribute is key to peak performance in sport, it’s also the reason you can rise from your living room chair. Ever notice how the elderly often have trouble standing up? Blame fast twitch fibres that are underused and wasting away.
The secret to turning back the clock? Pumping iron, of course. Heavy strength training is especially effective, as is lifting light weights really fast!


Fueling For Endurance Events

One of the toughest things about endurance events is fueling for it. So, I’ve explored, and come up with, a few helpful little bits of information on how to prepare your body with the right fuel for those long slogs!

Discount the Fat Fad
The biggest fuel supply we have is virtually unlimited amount of fat we can carry on our body- but it’s not the preferred fuel source for exercise. Fat is slow to convert into usable energy for muscle contraction. It’s used more during lower intensity exercise like walking, and used least at high intensity exercise where carbs are preferred. It’s currently popular with low carb diets to push for “fat adaptation”, however this needs to be used with caution. Fat adaptation will affect training performance if used all the time by reducing your capacity to consistently train at a higher intensity. Fasted training may work well for longer, slower sessions, but not during sprint or intervals. You will miss the performance adaptations that explosive intense training provides.

Metabolic Flexibility Is Key
Metabolic flexibility means being able to be a good fat burner as well as a good carb burner. You can create this by periodising your nutrition to compliment your forever changing training. Train low carbs for a few weeks during the off season or fasted during select training sessions to gain the benefits of improved fat metabolism. Keep in mind that it is imperative that on competition days you fuel your body with enough carbs to allow you to perform at your personal best.


Glycogen and Glucose
We have a 2 hour supply of glycogen, the carb stored in your muscles and the liver. Glycogen stores are larger in the muscles that are used during training, which is part of training adaptation. During very intense activities you use most largely muscle glycogen. In smaller amounts, we also have pure glucose in the bloodstream, which is commonly referred to as “blood sugar”. Blood glucose is maintained at a level of 5.6mmol/l (a measurement of a chemical substance that equals the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon) in healthy individuals. Any excess from our food intake is absorbed from the blood into the muscles to store in the form of glycogen. During exercise if your blood sugar levels dip below 5.6 you start to feel hungry, a little dizzy and/or light headed. At that stage you know it’s time to eat!

Prepare your Meals
Choose slow releasing carbs to form the base of your meals to help stabilise energy levels and replenish glycogen stores. These include legumes, wholemeal bread, basmati rice, pasta, sweet potato, quinoa or fruit. Faster releasing carbs are more appropriate for snacks just before heavy training sets for competition. Use high GI carbs like rice crackers, potatoes, sports drinks and gels. Although sport is important, general health is equally important. Including lean protein foods will help with muscle recovery after strenuous sessions, and of course always eat your veggies!

Strategies for Higher Performance

Mobilise your warm up:

Athletes always do a proper warm up before they compete or play. Yet, so many people skip this critical part of the workout in order to save time. A proper warm up with mobilisation exercises has you increasing the blood flow to working muscles and readying your joints and body for the action ahead. This will decrease the risk of injury dramatically.

And when I say warm up, I don’t mean to do a quick bit of cardio, or to do a couple of stretches before you start. Athletes don’t do that, so why should you? You want to use as many different muscle groups when warming up to give you body the best chance to increase blood flow. These can include multi planar cardio activities such as high knees or ice skaters. 3D body weight movements such as air squats with rotations, will fire up your central nervous system. Joint mobilising with things like power bands is also great as it will promote fuller ranges of motion in the joints.

If you’re doing strength exercises with weight loaded exercises (eg. weighted squat) you should do a dynamic warm up of the unloaded movement first, for example a body weight squat. This prepares the exact muscles that are about to be used in the movement, and gets more blood flow to the areas required.

The main thing to remember is that different workouts require different warm ups. How you mobilise your body should relate to how  you intend to use it.

Get your skills on:

The pros generally dedicate a lot of time to their development of fundamental skills(like a tennis serve, or kicking a soccer ball). This is usually done with the help of a coach to assist in identifying areas of weakness, and to teach new techniques and strategies to help improve them.

When it comes to workouts, it’s good to know that the fitness industry never stands still. There is always a new piece of equipment or exercise that has come out to help improve our results. However, a lot of people generally just copy what they have seen online and never get given the correct advice on form and muscle recruitment. By introducing a skills development component into your training, you can work on improving your movements and technique, learn new exercises and and spend time breaking down specific movements and identifying problem areas to unlock bigger gains. Many coaches refer to this as slowing down to speed up. So follow the rule of SAID. This means Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. Meaning your body will adapt to the stress placed on it by certain movements. So you’re better off making sure those movements are done correctly.


Gain more from the ground up:

When training to increase strength and power, athletes have their priorities right in order. In their strength and conditioning sessions the focus is on improving the performance of the major muscle groups, or the prime movers, by doing compound movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges and over head presses. More and more athletes are now incorporating Olympic lifts like hang cleans, clean and presses and the snatch to develop strength and power. The idea is simple. Spend more time on the primary movers like the chest, back and legs, and less time on isolating secondary movers like biceps, triceps and calves. As an athlete, they understand the importance of building a strong foundation for performance, and they do this through ground base training.

Ground base training is about focusing on movements that keep your feet on the ground to maximise strength, explosiveness and balance from the ground up. The average person could really benefit from adding more ground based training to their strength and conditioning, as the application of training to everyday movements has never been more relevant. Athletes don’t play sitting down, and in life, neither do we. So why try and build your strength with exercises where you’re sitting down??? Get on your feet and train big movements to get the biggest increases in your strength gains!

Group VS Personal Training

For those that haven’t made the venture out into the wonderful world of health and fitness, now is your time. We often talk about the old saying “Summer Bodies Are Made In The Winter” and I couldn’t agree more – what better time to focus on your wellbeing and get a head start for the warmer months. Winter doesn’t have to be about piling on the pounds, being sluggish and crawling under the doona – utilise the training available to you to get moving.

Type of training offered by Results in Motion and the benefits of each:

Personal Training

Personal Training is a private session with you and your trainer.  It’s an opportunity for you to have an hour just for you – focused on YOUR goals, YOUR ability and YOUR results. As well as supporting you to lose weight, tone up, increase fitness, your session with you PT is also about ensuring your body stays fit and functioning – i.e. injury prevention and maintenance.  Some benefits of the more personalised one-to-one training:

  1. You are solely accountable to your PT
  2. Your program is built around you, your limitations and your goals
  3. You will receive outside session support with eating, training and motivation
  4. You can go at your own pace and progress accordingly
  5. It’s a private high level professional hour dedicated to you and your goals

Group Training

Results in Motion offer awesome 6 week intensive bootcamp program– aimed at fast tracking your fitness and weight loss results, the group environment is supportive, fun and motivational. When you train in a group you make friends with your fellow cadets, you’re all in the journey together and it can be great for socialising as well as giving you an extra push as you see other participants reaching their goals. Some benefit of group training include:

  1. It’s social and fun!
  2. You have a big range of classes to choose from (kettle bells, cardio, boxing)
  3. An intensive 6 week plan generates quick results
  4. You will push yourself if others are around you
  5. Did we mention its fun?!

We are currently in week 3 of our popular bootcamp and all the cadets are smashing their sessions! With over 8 classes running per week, you’re able to attend as many as you’d like and really push yourself. If you’re keen to sign up for the next bootcamp – email us today!

So whether you enjoy training privately or within a group capacity, it doesn’t really matter – the main thing is for you to get out there and get some exercise in! Give yourself a challenge this week to fit in 3 sessions, minimum of 30min each of movement – go for a walk, join a group class, book your first PT session – just make it happen 🙂

Winter Training Tips

Hope you are all having a great week, despite the absolutely artic conditions. It cannot be denied that Winter is well and truly upon us and in between the torrential rain, icy wind, freezing mornings and dark evenings; we’re here to brighten your week with some fitness motivation. This week’s column is about Winter and it’s challenges, how best to manage them to ensure that you continue your fitness regimes and remain balanced and healthy with your eating.

Winter Exercise Tips:

1. Always have a backup plan so you training routine isn’t dependent on the weather – can’t run outside? Then do a mini session in your lounge room such as:

20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 squat jumps
20 dips (off coffee table)
50 mountain climbs
20 burpeees
REPEAT x4 and time yourself to do as quickly as possible

2. If you are going to train outdoors, make sure you have appropriate training gear – i.e. weatherproof running jacket, compression tights, gloves etc. Keep rugged up and remain warm as best you can during all parts of your workout
3. Think about your pre-session preparation – can you warm up and somewhere inside first? Focus on big dynamic movements to get joint and muscles engaged, try and get the heart rate up to get blood pumping. Try 30sec of knees up, 30sec of mountain climbs, 30sec of star jumps and 30sec of arm windmills – REPEAT X3 – this is a 6min warm up and after this you should be ready and raring to go!
4. Don’t neglect the post-session recovery – if you’ve been out somewhere cold, get in to a warm shower immediately. Stretch in the shower and utilise the heat to keep your muscles supple
5. Always start the day with a hearty warm breakfast – a popular option at the moment in the Results in Motion team is the oats recipe below – SO GOOD, try it!
6. Most importantly remember that the rain won’t hurt you and if you’re training at a decent intensity you shouldn’t feel the cold – believe in yourself and your ability to push past these conditions. You CAN go for a run in the rain, you CAN still train in 5 degree weather, you’ve just got to be smart about it and utilise some of the tips above. Nothing beats a crisp Winter morning so get out there and get some fresh air!

Hearty (and delicious) Winter Breakfast:

30-40g rolled oats (depends how hungry you are!)
2/3 cup almond milk (any milk will do though)
½ banana
½ serve vanilla protein powder (optional)
Sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg

Microwave for 3min, making sure to stir every minute
Then the best bit: top with a tablespoon of peanut butter and let it ooze through your porridge – trust us, it tastes like a nutty banana cake!

So face Winter head on this week – amp up your training utilising these tips and really challenge yourself to get out there and give it a go. Remember the healthier you can stay across these cold months, the better condition you’ll be in come Summer, and the less chance you’ll have of picking up every cold and flu floating around. Have an amazing week and keep warm!

Final Autumn Boot Camp Results

Sign Out FINAL RESULTS TABLE – some absolutely brilliant results here guys:
Most Improved Push Ups – Athba A – 62% improvement
Most Improved Squat Jump – Jules Brealey – 63% improvement
Most Improved Sit Ups – Lily Vaughan – 88% improvement
Most Improved Bound Jump travel – Mimi Dymond King – 100% quicker
Most Improved Push Up hold – Kayla Roberta Wilson – 100% longer
Most Improved Beep Test – Annie Vu – 100% improvement – please note a special mention to Travis White who ran the highest score at level 15.1
Runner Up for most Improved Fitness % – Maxine Skipper – 51%
Runner Up for most CM lost – Lily Vaughan – 26cm
WINNER most improved fitness % – Annie Vu – 54%
WINNER most cm lost – Mimi Dymond King – 27.5cm
Amazing work team smile emoticon

Healthy Winter lunch

See all these pretty colours? This is my healthy winter weather lunch! Noms corn for carbs, veggies for nutrients and Kangaroo sausages for a lean protein source. So good on a crap day like today! On a getting lean mission again!

Back on the bandwagon

oday’s face of pain is brought to you by the following:
1⃣ a 5am start first day back from holidays
2⃣ a super hard HIIT and cardio session
3⃣ the realisation that I’ve done nothing but eat and drink for 10 days
4⃣ the feeling of just completing over 700 reps!
Back on the bandwagon people!!